• Video Arusha 01 Karen: Difficult Mathematics

    Karen, 17 Jahre, Tansania/Arusha: Ich möchte gerne folgendes wissen: Hier in Arusha in Tansania haben viele Kinder Schwierigkeiten mit Mathematik, sie finden es ein schweres Fach. Wie ist es bei Dir/bei euch?
    Karen, 17, Tanzania/Arusha: I have one question to the German kids: Here in Arusha in Tanzania many kids find mathematics a difficult subject. Do they also find mathematics a bit difficult like us here?


    01A_Natalie_Katherl_AT / 10_Natalie_Katherl_AT
    Hello, my name is Natalie, I am 11 years old and I answer your question about maths. Maths is a main subject for us and so it is very important. We have maths five times per week. For me maths is sometimes easy but sometimes also very difficult. For example geometry I find very difficult. Some children from my class find maths particularly difficult and children from my class find maths particularly easy. Many greetings from Germany!


    01B_Anna_Pfanzeltplatz_AT / 03_Anna_Pfanzeltplatz_AT
    Hello, my name is Anna and I am 9 years old. We learn maths and other subjects at school. Many others also have difficulties with maths. So do I. But we have tools that help us to solve the exercises. For example a slide rule or an arithmetic book and many others.

  • Video Arusha 02 Isaack: Culture

    Isaack, 16 Jahre, Tansania/Arusha: Hallo ich bin Isaack, ich bin 16 Jahre alt. Am 13. April werde ich 17. Ich lebe im SOS Dorf in Arusha in Tansania. Was ich gerne von den deutschen Kindern wissen möchte ist: Erzähl mir was über Deine Kultur. Wie ist sie?
    Isaack, 16 Jahre, Tansania/Arusha: My name is Isaack, I am 16 years old. I will turn 17 on April 13. I live in the SOS Childrens’s Village in Arusha in Tanzania. I want to know about your culture. How is it?


    02A_Christoph_UH_AT / 13_Christoph_UH_AT
    I am Christoph. I am 10 years old. We have a “colourful evening”. That is when the people from the village meet. The children perform sketches, songs and jokes. The school also contributes something. I have participated in a stage play. I was the electrician and wanted to set up the telephone. The service technician pretended the would make a phone call but this was impossible because the phone line was not set up. Usually two women organise this and it is a lot of fun.


    02B_Noel_Katherl_AT / 08_Noel_Katherl_AT
    Hello, I am Noel and 11 years old. I want to answer your question: We have a famous poet called Goethe. And for example also famous musicians: Ludwig van Beethoven and Mozart.

  • Video Arusha 03 Glory: Outside school

    Glory, 16 Jahre, Tansania/Arusha: Was machst Du eigentlich wenn Du frei hast? Wenn Du z.B. Ferien hast oder nach der Schule?
    Glory, 16, Tanzania/Arusha: What do you do in your holidays or when school is closed?


    03A_Fabio_UH_AT / 11_Fabio_UH_AT
    I am Fabio. I am 9 years old. After school I do my homework and eat lunch. Then I may go outside and play. During holidays I play tablet with my bother and sometimes on my own. A tablet is a device to play games. My favourite game is “Minecraft”. In this game you build houses and you are also allowed to build anything else.


    03B_Yemin_Pfanzeltplatz_AT / 12_Yemin_Pfanzeltplatz_AT
    Hello, I am Yemin, 9 years old and in class 3g. After school I go outside and play with my friends. Afterwards I read a book in my room. And then I go downstairs and watch TV. In Turkey I play with my cousin in Istanbul outside.

  • Video Arusha 04 Neema: After School

    Neema, 15 Jahre, Tansania/Arusha: Wie verbringst du deine Ferien wenn die Schule geschlossen ist. Was machst du nach der Schule?
    Neema, 15, Tanzania/Arusha: How do you spend your holiday once the school is closed? What do you do when school classes are over?


    04A_Evelin_UH_AT / 08_Evelin_UH_AT
    After coming home from school I eat something. Then I do my homework. Then I like to play football and during the holidays I like to swim and watch a Sunday movie in the cinema. For example “Maleficient”, the evil fairy that turns into a good fairy in the end.


    04B_Antonia_Deisenhofen_AT / 04_Antonia_Deisenhofen_AT
    My name is Antonia and I am 9 years old. After school I first do my homework. On some days I have music lessons or physical education. Otherwise I play with friends. When the weather is good we play outside or go to the public swimming pool. When the weather is bad I play inside. My favourites are Lego and Playmobil. When school is closed I make holidays with my whole family. Sometimes we go abroad, for example to Italy, Greece, Spain or Austria.

  • Video Arusha 05 Hadija: President of Germany

    05_IMGP9630_ Hadija_1
    Hadija, 17 Jahre, Tansania/Arusha: Hallo, ich bin Hadija, ich wohne im SOS Kinderdorf Arusha, ich bin Tansanierin und 17 Jahre alt. Ich möchte gerne wissen, wer ist bei euch in Deutschland Präsident?
    Hadija, 17, Tansania/Arusha: Hello, I am Hadija, ich live in SOS Children’s village Arusha. I am Tanzanian and 17 years old. What is your president’s name?


    Hello Upendo! My name is Dominik and I answer your question, who is our prime minister. Here this position is called Federal President and his name is Joachim Gauck. He used to be a protestant Lutheran pastor and church official. He administers everything in politics.

  • Video Arusha 06 Robson: Hitler

    Robson, 15 Jahre, Tansania/Arusha: Wie war das Leben damals, als Hitler an der Macht gewesen ist? Haben dir deine Eltern, deine Großeltern etwas von der Zeit erzählt? Wann wurde Hitler geboren und wann und wo und wann ist er eigentlich gestorben?
    Robson, 15, Tanzania/Arusha: How was life when Hitler was in power? Have your parents and grandparents told you a little story about it? When was Hitler born and where and when did he die?


    06A_Michelle_Katherl_AT / 04_Michelle_Katherl_AT
    I am Michelle, 11 years old and live in Ingolstadt. Adolf Hitler, the former dictator of the German Empire, was born on April 20, 1889 in the town Braunau in Austria. He died on April 30, 1945 in Berlin. So he lived to the age of 56.
    Almost everything that Hitler did was incredibly bad. For example one thing was his hate and racism against Jews and disabled people. So these people had to live in fear of their lives. Another bad thing also was for example his attack on Poland, with which he started World War 2. In the course of the war the Nazis and their helpers committed mass crimes and genocide by order of their leader Adolf Hitler. They killed about 500,000 mentally and physically disabled people and more than 6 million jews. In addition, Hitler was appointed to be Reich Chancellor on June 30, 1933. Within a few months he was able to remove pluralistic democracy, federalism and the constitutional state by using prohibition and emergency decrees. Political opponents were brought to concentration camps, tortured and then killed.

  • Video Arusha 08: Imran: President

    Imran, 13 Jahre, Tansania/Arusha: Wer ist der Präsident der Deutschen?
    Imran, 13, Tanzania/Arusha: Who is the President of the Germans?


    08A_Dominik_Katherl_AT / 06.1_Dominik_Katherl_AT
    Hello Imran, my name is Dominik and I answer your question about the name of our Federal Chancellor. Her name is Angela Merkel and she is the Chancellor here in Germany since 2005. Since 2000 she is leader of the CDU and administers the whole thing.

  • Video Arusha 07 Upendo: Prime minister

    Upendo, 14 Jahre, Tansania/Arusha: Upendo, 14 Jahre, Tansania/Arusha: Wie heißt euer Premierminister?
    Upendo, 14, Tanzania/Arusha: What is the name of the prime minister of your country?


    07A_Dominik_Katherl_AT / 06_Dominik_Katherl_AT
    Hello Upendo! My name is Dominik and I answer your question, who is our prime minister. Here this job is called Federal President and his name is Joachim Gauck. He used to be a protestant Lutheran pastor and church official. He administers everything in politics.