Video Arusha 01 Karen: Difficult Mathematics

Karen, 17 Jahre, Tansania/Arusha: Ich möchte gerne folgendes wissen: Hier in Arusha in Tansania haben viele Kinder Schwierigkeiten mit Mathematik, sie finden es ein schweres Fach. Wie ist es bei Dir/bei euch?
Karen, 17, Tanzania/Arusha: I have one question to the German kids: Here in Arusha in Tanzania many kids find mathematics a difficult subject. Do they also find mathematics a bit difficult like us here?


01A_Natalie_Katherl_AT / 10_Natalie_Katherl_AT
Hello, my name is Natalie, I am 11 years old and I answer your question about maths. Maths is a main subject for us and so it is very important. We have maths five times per week. For me maths is sometimes easy but sometimes also very difficult. For example geometry I find very difficult. Some children from my class find maths particularly difficult and children from my class find maths particularly easy. Many greetings from Germany!


01B_Anna_Pfanzeltplatz_AT / 03_Anna_Pfanzeltplatz_AT
Hello, my name is Anna and I am 9 years old. We learn maths and other subjects at school. Many others also have difficulties with maths. So do I. But we have tools that help us to solve the exercises. For example a slide rule or an arithmetic book and many others.

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