Ich heiße Bilal und ich bin acht Jahre alt. Ich spiele gern am Computer – am liebsten das Spiel „Fische fischen“. Außerdem lerne ich Keyboard spielen. Was ist Dein Lieblingslied?
My name is Bilal and I am 8 years old. I like to play computer games. My favourite is „fishing fish“. I also learn to play keyboard. What is your favourite song?
02A_Chiara_Deisenhofen_AT / 08_Chiara_Deisenhofen_AT
Hello, my name is Chiara and I am 9 years old. My favourite song is „Candy“ by Robby Williams. I used to play flute. Now I play the piano.
02B_Letizia_UH_AT / 02_Letizia_UH_AT
I am Letizia. I am 9 years old. I play keyboard and the piano. My favourite song is “Amelie” because it has such a beautiful melody and because I always wanted to play that song. I play the piano for four years already. I always have piano lessons at my grandmother’s. A piano teacher comes there and I learn to play the piano for 45 minutes.
02C_David_Pfanzeltplatz_AT / 08_David_Pfanzeltplatz_AT
My name is David and I am 9 years old. I am in third grade. My favourite song is called „Happy“. The singer is Pharell Williams.